Now, I realize that the show isn't exactly improving my IQ, but I can say with full confidence that none of the shows I watch are helping me gain entry to MENSA. Do I think the over-the-top materialism is a tad, um, over-the-top? Yes. Do I think the stylists take themselves WAY too seriously? Absolutely. Do I think Rachel is disgustingly thin? For sure! But, let's face it, they're all unique characters and they do have what seems like a really fun job. I mean I would LOVE to put together outfits for celebrities like Cameron Diaz, Demi Moore, and Anne Hathaway. Plus, I would LOVE to have exclusive access to their houses! On award days, Rachel and her team of stylists get to go to the celebrity's house and help them get ready! Nerve- racking I'm sure, but still amazing! I highly doubt there are any jobs like that here in DC, unless Michelle Obama needs a stylist....
I'm a secret Rachel Zoe fan too!! I find a lot of it really insane, especially how CRAZED they get over the tiniest little things, but I just can't get enough of the over the top drama. Not to mention the outrageously expensive fashion :)
Taylor and Brad are too funny - I can't imagine blatently disobeying my boss like they do. I'm looking forward to this season - every girl needs some mindless TV!
I have never even heard of this show? Am I living under a rock? Guilty TV pleasure is the best...
Everyone is talking about this show today. I think I need to give it a shot.
i share your vice. i've been known to get sucked into nearly anything on bravo... rachel zoe, the housewives, you name it, i'll watch it.
I love this show too. I wish I could have a job like this.
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