This story came out a couple weeks ago and, though I think it has been blown WAY out of proportion and too many people have expended WAY too much energy discussing it, I am curious to see what you all think.... Michelle Obama, arriving home from a family vacation to the Grand Canyon, returned home to the White House in.....shorts. Now, Washington is not exactly a fashion-forward town and people here do dress very conservatively but, I have to confess, I am still really surprised that this has caused such controversy. I discussed it with my grandmother (a staunch Republican) and my mother (a staunch Democrat) and, surprisingly, they both agreed that they found it inappropriate. I suppose I can see where they're coming from but it didn't offend me nearly as much as it did them. Apparently, First Lady Jackie Kennedy faced the same criticism several times for going out in public (including to church) bare-legged. What is your opinion? Does Michelle Obama have the right to wear what she wants while on a family vacation or should she always be conscious of her role as First Lady? Tell me - I'd love to hear your opinions!
Let's face it, Michelle and Barack Obama aren't actors or talk show hosts, they are our country's leader and his wife. It is absolutely inappropriate - do you ever see the Queen or Carla Sarkozy in shorts and sneakers?!?!?! NO!!! It's just that image is everything and as sorry as I am to say this, he needs to wear a tie ALL THE TIME and she needs to ditch the shorts and t-shirts - it's only for 4 to 8years... not the rest of their lives. It doesn't make us look cool, it makes us look frumpy and low-brow as a nation! It's part of their job to dress appropriately and if they can't, then that's too bad...
Personally, I don't find it to be in the best taste. I realize that she is returning home on vacation, but I have no doubt she could have traveled casually and then freshened up before emerging from the plane. It's not like she wasn't aware that there would be photographers.
I find it inappropriate for anyone to criticze her for wearing a perfectly appropriate outfit. They were out west in the summer. I would wear the same thing. She didn't wear shorts to church (though if you stand outside any Catholic church in any city you will see folks of every age wearing shorts and flops and sweats) or a meeting. She was on vacation and it was hot outside. Very appropriate!!
I think this ensemble went a little far, but I do appreciate how real life Michelle Obama seems to be. This could have been a little more classy and still casual, but way to go being comfortable on a plane ride!
There is no doubt in my mind that First Lady Michelle Obama is supposed to dress to represent our country. Now, both GW's wore jeans and cowboy hats but they still wore a collared button down with them. The ladies should be the same way. Even just swapping into a SUNDRESS and flats would've been much more acceptable. I agree with MG and Pink Julep completely.
I have been confused all along - not sure why I did not realize that the picture was taken landing at the WH. Maybe she could have changed but I do appreciate that she's real and a positive role model. It's obvious she exercised so maybe that will encourage others to get a little exercise in their day too. Maybe Yoga pants and a nice t-shirt would have been a better choice. I am on the fence on this one and can see both sides. I am interested to read others opinions.
I see no problem with it what so ever.
I also agree it is inappropriate. While she was at the Grand Canyon then yes, definitely wear shorts, but I'm sure she had ample opportunity to put on something more appropriate beforoe landing back at the White House.
I am not offended in any way by Michelle Obama's bare legs. However, because she is a representation of our country, and other countries have seen this picture, it can send the wrong message to other countries. Of course she is dressed casually, and plenty of 40 year old mothers dress just like that and it is accepted by all but I think because she is a public figure, it is inappropriate for her to wear such short shorts. She could have gone with a capri and none of this would have ever been a problem.
I totally dont see this as being a problem at all. She wasnt wearing Daisy dukes and an abercrombie tank top, so everyone needs to get over it!
I think Michelle Obama has the right wear what she wants, but I do think this was a little sloppy for getting off Air Force One. The outfit does not offend me, I just think she could have had one something a bit more put together for getting off the plane and then changed perhaps before hiking around the Grand Canyon
I definitely thought all of the buzz around her shorts was so LAME! Seriously, what a waste of a news story.
I think it is fine to wear shorts. They are a family, coming back from vacation, trying to live a normal life when they can. I find nothing wrong with it what so ever...
I know that she is a public figure and a representation of our country, but she was coming back from vacation and I see no problem with her wearing shorts.
I would never travel like that & I am a regular citizen! I can't believe the FIRST LADY would travel that way. Would it kill her to wear a shift & sandals? She looks like she is running to the gym, not emerging from Air Force One. Good Lord. I agree with Pink Julep 100%.
While it is a little casual, I think it's totally fine that she dress like this. I know that she's a public figure but it's not like she was at a public gathering, she was on vacation with her family. I think there are much more important news stories that need our attention than this!
I answer yes to both of your questions. Yes, she can dress as casually as she pleases while not on official duties, and yes, she should be conscious of her role. If she happened to be wearing little booty shorts, then I would certainly take issue. She and her daughter are fine, otherwise. Each First Lady establishes her own style and level of formality.
Where was her publicist?! Shorts while hiking on vacation are appropriate. Wearing shorts while stepping off a plane where you know you will be met with cameras followed by a full fashion analysis to be splashed all over the news is not appropriate. I adore our First Lady and love that she can rock Thakoon one day and JCrew the next. Like it or not, her image does indeed represent us as a nation since she's on a worldwide stage. She typically projects amazing grace, confidence and style; the shorts were a poor choice, in my opinion. Michelle also knows well enough by now how much attention her attire draws and should have thought more about the distraction the shorts would ultimately create in the news...especially when the media should be paying attention to actual newsworthy stories.
Think this was ridiculously overblown. Waste of news space. She was on a vacation! Not going to a League of Nations meeting! My mind goes back to W and Laura and all the times they were wearing very casual clothes on their ranch. Sure they were in pants, but they were in work clothes. It's what you have to wear in Texas to make sure you don't get eaten alive by mosquitos. I promise you, if they could get away with it, they would have worn shorts. Definitely think people need to move on- we've got better stuff to cover.
She is the first lady of our country, and that has to be kept in mind. I think her outfit was completely inappropriate, based on the fact that she must always be the consummate representative of our nation, however, far too much media time was wasted on reporting it. Lastly, I completely agree with Pink Julep and others that this ensemble makes us as a nation appear frumpy and uncultured.
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