Here is a lady you might recognize - it's Kelly from Kelly's Korner. I LOVE her hair but am not sure I can pull it off - it may be too drastic of a change for me....

Love the bounce of Reese's hair....

LOVE this hair but could I get mine to look like this every day without the help of a stylist?

Love the bangs, but would they irritate me?
So, lovely ladies, give me your opinions! I need your help!
I needed a hairstyle change last year and decided to cut my hair about chin-length, like your first photo. I never had short hair in my life! but I absolutely love it. It's so much easier to maintain and I love the sideswept bang look. If you need further inspiration you can check out my blog pictures, nauticalandsouthern.blogspot.com!
good luck deciding--
I love them all, & you can't go wrong - BUT - I personally have hair like the latter two, and it takes forEVER to do, so I often just pull it back, and it looks kind of homely. I have been lusting after Kelley Korner / Reese Witherspoon hair for a long time, but couldn't take the plunge until after DC humidity died down. My hair would swell if I cut it. I think now is the perfect time to get the Kelley or Reese cut!
All of those haircuts are fab but I would totally recommend bangs...I got them last year and they're fun and not too hard to maintain!
I think if you are needing a change, just go for it! The first style is dalring, they all are, but just go for it! And hair always grows back!!
I love Reese's hair!
i do love all of them, but i think my favorite is reese...cute, but still easy enough for you to be able to do it every day!
As annoying as having side bangs are, they look SO cute!
Kelly's is my favorite, but Reese's seems more likely to be easier to handle day to day :) Can't wait to see how it looks!
Reese is def my favorite!
Okay, as someone who is working on a post right now about how annoying it is about waiting for hair to grow out, I say go for a middle of the road cut. You can always cut it in stages.
I cut my long, naturally blond hair--to be just like Reese's hair. Late last summer I was feeling like you. I cut bangs & a few layers--like Reese. Then in Nov, I cut my hair like her on the cover of Vogue. I was so excited for about 2 months. Then, I missed My long hair. :( So did Reese apparently b/c she put in extensions.
I vote go for long sexy bangs & sweepy layers. Keep a lot of the length but update the cut with someone you trust. You will love it & look amazing. Let them know you might go shorter in the coming months so they will cut accordingly. You'll see my post tomorrow about my hair...sigh. :(
Carrie's WOULD be too much (without a stylist) and yes those bangs would bother you. I like the first pic. :)
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