I thought she looked good but the dress was a tad....um....sexy for my liking. Try leaving a little more to the imagination? Maybe it's just me.....

This I just really didn't like. If you have a cute figure and you're a young girl, why would you wear something so unflattering? Plus, her make-up is way too severe.

Isn't she like 20 years old? I think this is beautiful but it seems a little old for her. I could see Helen Mirren pulling this off....

Usually, I love the way Kyra Sedgewick dresses but I was not crazy about this. Maybe it's the big, dark shoe that's throwing me off. LOVE her hair though....

Love, love, love this dress. She looks so elegant!

I love Kristen Chenoweth and I think she looked amazing!

Um, yeah, this one I just don't like....at all.

What other pregnant woman could pull of this dress and look THIS good?
And just because I love him....

What do you think? Who were your favorites and least favorites of the evening?
I didn't watch either. I just went on gossip sites to decide what I liked! Kristen Chenoweth was my favorite she stood out from the crowd!I'd kill to look like her.
haha i was thinking the same thing about Helen M wearing the dress Hayden had on. I actually really liked leighton's dress but agree about her makeup. i think blake's dress would have been much better without the slicked back hair, maybe something soft and romantic (like she usually does)!
Oh, John Krasinski! How can he be marrying someone else when he's supposed to marry me? Lol!
I think Sandra Oh's dress may be my favorite. I seriously don't know what Kyra Sedgwick was thinking - great hair, amazing figure and she wears that? With that ridiculous shoe weighing it all down?
I was also watching football ;-) oops...love! sandra oh's dress--it was perfection. I also thought Debra Messing looked fab, as usual.
I agree with all your assessments! The young people tried way too hard to look about 40!
I didn't see it either, but seeing so may reviews, I thnik you nailed it! I did like Leightons dress, but I agree, the make up was over baord!
I loved Drew Barrymore. And I so agree about Leighton. She looked like a child playing dress up!
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