For all of you who don't know who this is (and how could you not if you've watched the news in the past week) this is Carrie Prejean, former Miss California whose claim to fame was her answer at the Miss USA pageant. When asked if she felt the rights of marriage should be extended to all people - gay or straight - she answered that she believed marriage should be between a man and a woman. Now, while I do not agree with her, I fully support her in her answer. After all, aren't we allowed to have and express differing points of view in this country? However, her latest press tour promoting her book and all the media surrounding it has really begun to irritate me. First, there were stories about her breast implants, then the topless photos, and now a sex tape she allegedly made when she was 17 years old. My question is this - if she is such a good Christian woman as she claims - a supporter of conservative values - why is she posing for topless photos and making sex tapes? I find it very hard to believe that a true conservative would behave the way she has in the past few years. I think what Carrie Prejean is an opportunist. She gave her answer and capitalized on the media frenzy it created. Now, she is using her 15 minutes to make public appearances and sell books. Can you tell that it bothers me? It does. Click here to see her embarrassing appearance on Larry King. Yikes.
I love your blog and I completely agree with you on Prejean! She needs to take a hike!
Seriously! Great post. I am so tired of her.
So over her! Did you see her on the Today show...sickening.
Ugh agreed. That clip is ridiculous, why is she on the show if she's not going to talk about anything except hew new book about...nothing I'm sure.
What a great post. She needs to just go away. It was painfulto watch her on Larry King. Ugh!
It's been the longest 15 minutes of fame ever! I, too, wish she would just go away.
I sooo agree. And was thinking the same thing about being a good Christian!
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I completely agree, she is getting quite annoying. Good for her for speaking her mind (even if I don't agree with her) but she should let it go and move on.
AMEN!! The other week at a football game, she was dancing on the big screen and I was like "who is that girl, she looks familiar?!" Turns out she's dating the QB. I don't even know her and she annoys me, I can't believe he'd stay with her!
Great post. I am so tired of her.
Work from home India
Ugh I am tired of her too. I can't stand it.
I did not agree with her but I also didn't really care. She is perfectly entitled to her own opinions and to date, I've never been influenced in any sort of way by a beauty queen. They don't call them beauty (vs brains) for nothing. I honestly thought she made the biggest fuss out of her big answer herself. But to have this whole porn issue hanging over her head and then act like a bratty 2 year old on Larry King.....come off it! Girl needs to get over herself. She's pretty and can certainly get far in life on that alone without acting a fool.
Yikes.. that was painful to watch :(
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