What has happened to my dear, sweet Gleeks? I don't consider myself a super conservative person, but the Esquire photo shoot that featured Lea Michele (Rachel), Dianna Argon (Quinn), and Cory Monteith (Finn) really disgusts me. I realize that these people are not really teenagers but, frankly, I don't care. Does it really matter how old they are? Is it tasteful to pose like this at any age? I say no. Lea Michele is incredibly talented. Why does she feel the need to degrade herself by posing this way? Not to mention, these are actors on what is supposedly a family show, though the last episode with the 'lady kisses' and de-flowering of Artie has me questioning that too! The actors have to be aware of their audience and I just think it is in really, really bad taste to participate in a photo shoot that resembles a raunchy Playboy spread. Ok, that is all - I am stepping down off my soapbox. What do you all think?

Now....all that being said, I am really looking forward to the Halloween episode - Rocky Horror Picture Show!!! Check out a sneak peak here.
I agree!
I'll be honest and admit that I have seen five minutes of an episode of Glee and even then, had no idea what was going on. However, I do agree with your post that it is so tacky to have these actresses posing like that when they are supposed to be promoting a family show and are idols for many younger girls.
At the end of the day you have to hope that the revival of prep will counteract all the tackiness of Hollywood!
I agree as well. I really found the photos disturbing (I saw a few and then stopped looking) and a few of the scenes and some random dialogue have really been beyond what is necessary for the show to be fun. Diappointing, indeed.
I totally agree! The show has become SO political. I understand that they support homosexuality and want the world to and they don't want people discriminated against or bullying, but I am SO tired of that being the agenda on EVERY episode. Make your point and move on. And I agree, the pictures are too much. I could not agree more. I love love love the music and some of the lines are hysterical. SO for that reason, I will keep watching. Love your blog! XO KJ
I can't believe they did photos like this. I heard rumors about Lea maybe doing playboy! yikes
Glad I found your blog, I moved to DC area in November:o) thanks for sharing!
So inappropriate! By posing for those pictures, the actress (I don't know her name b/c I don't watch the show) is saying my body is worth more than my mind, voice, talent, etc. She is setting an all too common, bad example for young women. I too am stepping off my soapbox now! :)
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