I, DC Prep, am best friends with Reese Witherspoon.
Ok, not exactly. But, when I was still not keeping up with my blog I had the opportunity to attend a pre-party for the White House Correspondents Dinner. For those of you who don't know, here in DC this is a pretty big deal. Lots of celebs grace the city with their presence and we (literally) roll out the red carpet for them. Now, to be fair, I am a huge nerd when it comes to celebrities, even faux DC celebrities (i.e. politicians). So, imagine me - in a relatively small room - only feet away from my favorite actress ever, the adorable and amazingly preppy Reese Witherspoon. I was in the middle of talking to my friend Rachel (pictured below) when her mouth literally dropped open, for at that moment the one and only Reese walked right by us with her new hubby and parked herself at a table only feet away. I was definitely a creeper who could not stop staring. After trying to pretend like I wasn't creepily staring I finally worked up the courage to ask her for a photo. I usually have mixed feelings about asking celebrities for pictures - I don't want to bother them, they deserve their personal space, they must get so tired of people asking them for pictures and autographs, etc - but at that moment I didn't care. I saw the chance and I grabbed it! I also kind of cut in front of some other creeper who I could tell was not nearly as big of a fan. I had prepared lots of things to say to her ("You are my favorite actress", "You are so gorgeous", "Congratulations on your recent wedding and your baby", "I love how Southern you are", "I love to monogram things too"). Okay - not all of them were stellar comments but they were 100% genuine. Honestly, I don't think I managed to say one of them. All I managed to get out was - "I'm so sorry to bother you but do you mind if I get a picture?" Ugh! Although I didn't verbally express the depth of my love and devotion to her, I'm pretty sure she and I bonded. She could sense my preppy attitude. And she could not have been sweeter or more kind. Looking back, I am so thrilled that I did approach her because, when you really think about it, you always regret the things you didn't do more than the things you did do. That's my new philosophy and I'm sticking to it! In closing, I will leave you with my favorite Reese quote....
"My sheets are monogrammed, so is my silverware and pretty much everything else I own. My rule is, if it's not moving, monogram it." I couldn't agree more. ;)
Enjoy the pics - the first is before I met Reese, the second is me with Reese, the third is Rachel getting in on the action and the fourth is just for fun. :)
Side note: We did see other celebrities (see below), but I felt Reese was the only one who deserved a full blog post. Viola Davis, Zoe Deschanel, Tory Burch, the gay brother from Modern Family (don't know his name), Harvey Weinstein and his wife (of Marchesa fame) and some DC celebs (again, politicians).

Um. That is very exciting! Reese seems so nice and normal. I actually walked by Kate Bosworth today. That girl needs to eat.
How fun!! Love her. And love that you took a chance and asked for a photo op!
I am SO JELLY! How cute you look. I'm more jealous of the whole party but I adore Reese too
I think it is great you asked for a picture. You were polite about it, quick and she was gracious! Good for you!
Shut UP -- that is amazing. I've always felt a connection with her, and then when I heard that Monograms part awhile ago, it was confirmed :)
so i feel the same way about celebs. i always feel like "they are real people and deserve to enjoy this as much as me without being bothered" but also, i'm a wimp when it comes to stepping up. congrats to you ... what a fab photo (and how FABULOUS does she look as a preggo in that dress?!)
If I recall correctly, you actually said "I'm huge fan"...and then asked for the picture. It was an amazing night!!
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