Just saw the preview for this movie (starring Cameron Diaz) and got a little teary. This could be bad for when I actually see the movie in its entirety - bring on the tissues! Have any of you read the book? It is wonderful. I love Jodi Picoult!
Speaking of books, here is another one I am hoping to get my hands on when it comes out (August 11th). I think it will be a perfect beach read and it's about my favorite city, Charleston!

Tissues will be mandatory for that movie. The book was wonderful (in a sad kind of way). I hadn't heard about Pat Conroy's new book....but he's my other fave author....I LOVE "Lords of Discipline" and "Prince of Tides." I'll have to look out for it too!
Can I just say, I am so excited for the new Pat Conroy!!! I LOVE his books, can't wait!
I would go through an entire box of klenex's if I watch it! Xoxo-BLC
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