Okay, I'm so sick of hearing about the Perez Hilton/Miss California feud. Seriously, who cares? Can we please focus on the woman that actually won the pageant??? All that being said, I have a comment. I do not agree with Miss California's opinion about gay marriage but I actually really respect the fact that she was honest. Knowing that the judge who asked the question was gay, she could have altered her answer to fit what she knew he wanted to hear, but she didn't. She held her ground and said what she really believed in and let's face it, whether you agree with her or not, there's a large percentage of Americans who share her opinion. So, that's my two cents. Thoughts?
I totally agree with you! The whole point of the question portion is to answer questions intelligently and to have legit reasoning behind an answer. No matter how she answered this question people would have been annoyed! If she said she did support gay marriage then some people would have said she only answered that way because she knew that is what Perez wanted to hear.
You have the exact same view on this as me. I’m sick of hearing about it, but definitely give the girl credit for being honest. Hubby disagrees with me on this, but I have to respect her for stating her opinion whether people like it or not.
That's what my fiance said, but I trust a beauty queen as much as a politician - you don't know who's supporting her, sponsoring her, or paying for her dress that she might have offended had she not said what she did. I think it's unfair to say she was 'honest' without really knowing her... based on her answer which basically said "That's how I was raised" I wonder how much of her answer was to please her parents, church, etc... something to think about... but odd she was de-throned in for representing a state that recently banned gay marriage! Stupid! Don't we have bigger fish to fry right now... like homelessness, foreclosure and unemployment?!?! Good post!
I totally agree with you. I think the people being the most critical of her and the biggest hypocrites. Agree or disagree she stated her position in a respectful manner, so why should only one answer be acceptable!
I'm with you. I saw Perez Hilton on the Today Show the day after, and he was so irate about it. Just because their viewpoints are different, doesn't make one totally right, and one totally wrong. Maybe if I were in his shoes I would feel differently. I understand the concept of equal rights - but this is a controversial subject, and he knew what he was getting into when he asked the question! Boo to him, if you ask me.
I completely agree. She prefaced her option by saying 1) its great we live in a country where there is an option and 2) MY PERSONAL opinion is....
I dont think she should have been penalized for answering honestly. And I also agree, what about the poor girl who won?!
I agree- I don't feel like she should be completely bashed throughout the media for stating her opinion. She was not rude or hurtful in what she said, she just said that she personally did not agree with it but felt fortunate to live in a country where people could make their own decisions (or something to that effect). I think Perez Hilton is being absolutely ridiculous and purposely asked a question he knew would be controversial. All of the talk about it is getting old and I think the media and others that don't agree with her opinion are blowing it out of proportion. After all, this is America, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion and shouldn't be bashed for stating it, especially if they were not offensive in the way they stated it!
Oh gosh, I'm totally out of the loop on this one...but from what I can gather Perez who gives his snarky opinion on everyone and everything is bashing someone else for giving theirs??? Hmmm...
how ridiculous. in the grand scheme of things, how does miss california's opinion on gay marriage affect anything? people just want to get riled up sometimes. i support gay marriage, and i don't care if miss california doesn't. why should anyone else? additionally, i also think that perez is the worst kind of pseudo-celebrity out there. he is famous because of his ability to be snarky? disgusting. he uses events like this to get his name out there more. why is anyone actually listening to him? i bet more people know what he said yesterday that the fact that arlen specter is switching parties, giving the dems an almost filibuster-proof majority in the senate.
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