My fellow monogram-happy preps! I need your help!
I have a wedding shower that I am attending in a few weeks and want to purchase something monogrammed for the bride-to-be. My first question is....is it bad luck to give a bride something monogrammed before she officially gets married? My second question is....his last name is van Geertruyden - would I use V as their last name initial or G? I think it would be V but I'm just not sure! Help a prep out!
Also, any gift ideas (preferably monogrammed) would be appreciated!
Last initial is a V. I hope its not bad luck bc I give monogrammed stuff all the time. One of my favorite shower gifts is the round cutting board with cheese knives and monogram from idaclaire.com. Its good as a couple shower gift too.
I agree with the V as well. And I don't think it's bad luck at all- great idea!
It depends how she is planning on changing her name. In the south most women drop their maiden name and keep their middle name initial so their maiden name isn't in her monogram.
You might want to get them a monogrammed tray with their married monogram (wife first initial, surname initial larger, and husband's first initial) We have some great butler's trays and they are 20% this week with code MAD20.
And no it is not bad luck to give a monogrammed gift, it is bad luck to give knives without a penny and for the bride to use the monogrammed item before she is married.
I also believe the V is the initial that goes in the monogram. I'm so glad you got the spring swap package I sent! I actually just made the stickers using a circle cutter and a personalized stamper I have. Happy Easter!
I would go with V as well. And I wouldn't think its bad luck! I'd be excited to get such a gift!
I don't think it's bad luck but I would double check her monogram before you order stuff (if you are using a three letter monogram.) I got a bunch of monogrammed stuff where people assumed I would be using my maiden last name as my new middle name, and so the monograms were wrong. To be safe I would just get "V" stuff. Good luck!
Definitely double check what she will be going by. I love this newlywed gift here
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