....did somebody say TRAIN WRECK???
My name is Brooke and I am a Bravo addict. My TV is almost always tuned to either Bravo or TLC. Though I feel a tad ashamed to admit it, I find The Real Housewives series really entertaining. I realize that the majority of them are terrible people (Orange County cast, I'm looking in your direction), very nouveau riche (Atlanta) or social climbing (NYC), but I don't care! I love them. I think NYC is my favorite (love Bethenny and Jill) but that might all change now that The Real Housewives of New Jersey has come on the scene! The preview for this show is ridiculous. At one point, one of the women screams and flips a table over in a restaurant. Glorious. I cannot wait. What about you? Do you feel guilty about loving the Housewives? Who are your favs?
I am a part of your recovery group, as I too... am an addict.
Team Bethanny!
I was just telling friends that I only watch two channels- Bravo and TLC! There once was a time I looked down on reality tv. Now it is sadly all I watch.
OMG! I already have DVR warmed up for this show!!! And, I cannot wait. Xoxo-BLC
I love this show! Unfortunately, I don't get Bravo anymore so I have to search the web for video clips! NYC has to be my favorite.
Jill and Bethany are definitely my favorites, or just the whole NYC cast in general (besides the new addition of Kelly) Bravo is the best station by far!
My tv is always turned to Bravo too!! I love Bethenny!!
I just love to watch his people make complete you know whats of themselves on national t.v all while pretending to be "classy". VERY entertaining!
Loooooooove the housewives. And Bravo. I have watched the NJ preview episode 3 times. So entertaining!!!
Oh i'm totally team Bethenny. And, the RH of Atlanta...no words can describe. My husband can do the best DeShawn Snow impression on the planet. I live for Tues pm's and am counting down the days til the NJ premiere. Think it's a bunch of mobster wives??? One can only hope...
I am so excited for the new Real Housewives! I am sure they will keep me entertained throughout the summer!
I was sick all weekend and totally got sucked into Bravo so I understand the addiction!
LOVE Real Housewives of NYC - have seriously angst about RH New Jersey. it's playing to an awful stereotype & it's borderline offensive to those people who have been working to make NJ have a better reputation (ahem.)
...that being said: it looks like some seriously good, trashy tv. and i might watch it. because it's bound to be amazing.
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