I just saw the sweetest thing on The Today Show. Jenna and Barbara Bush wrote Sasha and Malia Obama a very touching letter. Hearing them read it brought tears to my eyes. It reminds us all that these men are not just Presidents, public servants, politicians, they are also fathers, husbands, sons, brothers. Check it out if you have a moment.
I agree, that was a wonderful letter and so sweet!
What a thoughtful thing for them to do, and a reminder of the amazing lives they have lived already! I was happy to learn of the tradition that outgoing Presidents leave personal notes in the Oval Office desk for the new incoming President. W's was addressed "To to #44 from #43." I'd love to know what HE wrote.
I cried when I read it too. I think sometimes we forget that Presidents or public officials are normal people just like us. This letter was so sweet!
Aww that was really sweet of them!
this is the sweetest thing ever... how thoughtful and special
First of all, I totally get what you are saying about Nordstrom's. I love them and often feel like I can find anything from there, but when it comes to shoes... their selection is beyond horrible. Everything is so ugly and over-done! It's so disappointing. The only good things are the reliable and known brand name shoes like Tory Burch flats etc.
And secondly- that letter was so lovely!
And you are seriously the only person I know to have ever said that Clint Eastwood is attractive in his older age! I have always thought that he aged so well and is really attractive for some reason even though he's so much older now. There's just something about him and every time I tell someone that (which I try not to often) they always look at me like i'm crazy!
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