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Roommate Rant Part I
Can I vent for a moment? I live with a strange girl whom I met on craigslist. We have lived together in a townhouse for about a year and a half. I find her to be one of the most annoying people I've ever lived with. I don't know if this is because I am ready to live on my own or because she is actually an incredibly irritating person. I tend to think it's a combination of the two. One of the stipulations she made when we moved into the place was that no one could wear shoes in the house. I agreed and have begrudgingly obeyed the rule since moving in..... at least when she's home. : ) Apparently, she's worried about germs and dirt on the carpet. Now, if she was a person who was fastidious about keeping the house clean then perhaps I could understand this rule. Unfortunately for me, her cleanliness extends only to keeping the rug marginally clean by enforcing shoe removal. Her room is absolutely filthy - the carpet is barely visible and she has filled the huge whirlpool tub in her bathroom with clothes and products. She never cleans the kitchen even though she uses it much more than I do. She leaves her dishes in the sink constantly. She never takes the trash out and even has the nerve to leave it by the garage door for me to take out. The worst (and this is really gross) is that her dark hair falls out all over the kitchen floor and she never thinks to clean it up! Ugh. So, imagine how annoyed I was when she came to me this morning and asked if she could get a dog. Yeah. First of all, our lease explicitly states that we are to have no pets. Secondly, if she's supposedly so worried about germs coming in on our shoes, imagine how many come in on a dog. And thirdly, she can't even manage to clean up after herself so I have no confidence that she'll clean up after her dog! Grrrrrr..... This concludes my rant for today. Thanks for listening.
oooh, she sounds aweful! It may be time to get your own place now, especially if you are living with her right now!
You're right. She's not preppy in the least so I doubt she would find my blog to read. Hope she doesn't....that could be bad. ;)
I hate bad roommates! I have a messy roommate too so I feel your pain. Makes us neat freaks work extra hard! I agree with saying no to the dog... How ridiculous!
You poor thing! From experience, roommates with different cleanliness levels than mine are a deal breaker. Maybe you can use the dog topic as a way to broach getting seperate places or new roomies?
How awful! I have a thing about hair so the hair on the kitchen floor would gross me out so much.
I wish I could kick my annoying sister out and let you move in ;)
First, Thanks for visiting my blog.
secondly, Time to start looking for a new roommate!
It will not get better. And I agree, the dog issue might make it easy to "break-up."
Your home is your refuge, you don't want to hate going there...
I came across your blog via many links and find it enjoyble. I just read your most recent post and I agree with one of the comments made, it's time for a new roommate.
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