I just had my first experience with what I will henceforth refer to as Obama traffic. Yikes. I went downtown for dinner this evening (Toscana - highly recommend it, especially if someone else is paying) and it took me 30 minutes to go 3 blocks! DC traffic is never good but this was awful. I will be avoiding downtown like the plague this weekend.
Additionally, I am officially ready to move to a warmer climate. With the wind chill, it was 11 degrees today! No, thank you! Visions of my college days in Charleston haunt my mind. Ah.....when life was easy and living was fun....and the weather was warm.
Amennnn!! It's supposed to be 4 degrees here tonight :-( I'm happy I'm not near DC though, I can't imagine! What a hassle, good luck dear! Hope your weekend isn't totally ruined by the traffic!
Ugh I feel ya - on the traffic AND the weather! :(
I am babysitting Sat night in upper NW but otherwise my car is not moving all weekend. No way could I survive in that traffic!
Hey girlie!
I hear ya about the traffic. I am 5 minutes away from DC and woah - I will be avoiding the city like the plague.
Gotta love Charleston...Although it's COLD here in SC today...and supposed to be even colder tonight and tomorrow morning. So, no warm weather here either :-(
Yah, getting to work today, NOT FUN! I want to avoid all the madness.
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