BUT, have you seen the news about Jon and his new girlfriend?! Ugh. I have to say - I was feeling very Team Jon but I am really irritated by this new development. First of all, his new GF is ten years younger than he is. Secondly, she is the daughter of the plastic surgeon who performed Kate's tummy tuck. Lastly, he does not need to be off parading around France with his new girlfriend when he has eight children at home who are going through what I am sure is a very difficult time. This explains so much about his indifference to Kate - he already had someone else - someone much younger - waiting in the wings for him! I am now convinced he is having a serious life crisis - realizing that he missed his wild 20's and trying to make up for it in his 30's. He has the sports car, the young girlfriend, I've even heard he's shopping for an apartment in NYC! I am sorry that he feels he missed out on his 20's but now is not the time to try to relive it - not when you have EIGHT children! This makes me so mad! Grrrr.....
Stay tuned for some lovely designer eBay items listed by yours truly! I will be giving my loyal readers the opportunity to purchase some fab items before they go up for sale. Items including.....Tory Burch, Coach, Longchamp, etc.
Ugh, he is such a tool.
Can you email me at thenortherner@alwaysanorther.com? I want to invite you to my Gap party!
i AGREE. he sucks. such a douche.
and now he is a fashion designer for ed hardy! ughhhh
I agree. I've tried so hard not to say anything about it, and like you, I was more "Team Jon." These recent escapades have certainly changed my mind!
I agree with every single solitary word you just wrote. I don't know whose "side" I'm on now.
omg i haven't heard this news.. what a jerk, i was always team jon too thinking kate was such a you know what.. and now reading this I cannot stand him!
I saw it on the news this morning. He's a jerk, she's a Victoria Beckham wannabe and I'm a disgusted mommy that's feeling so very sorry for their children!!!
Oh, and yippee for the ebay auction!!! You mentioned three names that I L-O-V-E!!!
I have never watched the show, but have obviously been following the drama in the media. I think what he is doing is just plain wrong and agree that he must be going through some sort of crisis. I feel so bad for their children.
I agree...I was always on "Team Jon" but now he is acting like the biggest tool and thinks that he can "design" clothes now...ugh
WOO about the Ebay auction I love ALL of those names!
I was on Team Jon too, mostly because he did become a father very young and Kate is difficult (does not give him the right to be annoying but still...). Anyway when I saw the photos of him smoking in France with his new girlfriend I was like WHAT? COME ON! So sad for those kids :(
I have been thinking exactly the same thing. I can't believe Jon's behavior. I was watching a program that said Jon admitted to spreading the rumor about Kate dating her body guard to get the heat off himself. What a jerk!
I can't stand John. I realize that Kate may not have been perfect, but watching the episodes where they talk about their marriage, he seems so indifferent. Drives me crazy.
Amen! You tell him!
Hi!! I added you to my blog roll. I thought you were on it for a while now. I think I just read your blog everyday via other blogs!! Anyway, you're up npw.
I used to be Team John...now, I'm just Team Kids. I imagine after years under Kate's verbal abuse, anything can happen..Kate still is too bossy/self absorbed/controlling for me. He is NOT taking the mature route & not that it is the priority, it's not good for PR. He had an easy moment to be the good guy.
I agree! Kate my be a little, um, intense? But at least she clearly wants to be around her children!
AHHH !! We have the same bday!! Yipppee! I knEW i LOVED YOU! I hope you emailed jackie about her gap party. I am totally going. xo
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