Let me be the first to introduce....the Miche bag! That's right ladies - get ready to sell your designer bags on eBay. You don't need them anymore! This is the only bag you will ever need. It is one bag that has a wide variety of 'shells' that attach onto the same basic bag again and again, allowing the fashion forward lady to switch purses as often as she wants!
Obviously, I'm kidding. As a connoisseuer of designer handbags, I can definitively say that I will never own this bag. I do think it is pretty hilarious and I can see exactly the type of woman who would carry it. More power to her! I'll stick with my Kate Spade!
In case you're interested, here are some of the lovely and versatile shells you can choose from:

I nominated Grits for a giveway, so help please get the word out for everybody to vote for her. You can check it out on my blog at
She deserves it!
Oh my this really is something. I mean who wouldn't want to carry that?? (Joking of course).
Oh, my. What will they think of next?
Thanks for stopping by my blog, BTW. I love yours, too!
Hey, imagine being able to switch from a toile to a seersucker to a madras to a polka dot -- at a moment's notice AND without having to empty the contents! Does it really get any better than that? ;-)
I laugh every time I see that commercial. And I was in Wally World a week or two ago and totally saw one in person! Even tackier in real life!!
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