I am a huge animal lover and have a special affinity for dogs. This is the most amazing video. Anyone who says animals don't have feelings, think again!
This just blows me away (and of course makes me cry) - You just have to know that these two dogs have already been through so much together (in a Homeward Bound/Benji kind of way) and that second dog is NOT going to let his bud down. And the fact that he uses his PAWS to drag him off the freeway, rather than his jaws - OMG. Animal love - heart, heart, heart.
This just blows me away (and of course makes me cry) - You just have to know that these two dogs have already been through so much together (in a Homeward Bound/Benji kind of way) and that second dog is NOT going to let his bud down. And the fact that he uses his PAWS to drag him off the freeway, rather than his jaws - OMG. Animal love - heart, heart, heart.
Clearly I just started crying! OMG. That is so sweet. I'm an obsessive animal lover myself...
I am a huge animal lover, especially when it comes to dogs. They have a special place in my heart.
This is an amazing video and it broght tears to my eyes. Wow!
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