I'm not sure if you're aware of this but Elisabeth Hasselbeck has a new line of clothes on QVC. Her line is pretty cute and I have found one item I am interested in purchasing. I really love this cardigan - draped over a white button-up or a cute dress! My question is....which color??? I love, love, love pink but the tan is nice too. I just cannot decide. Help me!
Also, please feel free to tell me if you hate it. I can take it...

I like the pink! And no, the sweater is adorable. It definitely needs a place in your closet.
I love it - I think it's super cute.
And even though she is sometimes a little crazy - I love her!
I like the pink, but either color is adorable! Thank you for sharing this line with me!
I love it! I'm having so much fun shopping for your spring basket of goodies. You're going to love it! Also I'd like to know, do you have a middle initial? Happy TGIF!
I saw a commercial for her line just the other day. All the view peeps drive me nuts but I think Elizabeth has a fabulous sense of style. I love the pink. Be sure to let us know how it fits and the quality after it arrives. I saw a cute top I'm interested in.
my middle initial is L for Lillian! MLG
i like the pink! its just darling.
i just found your blog and it is really cute. i left you a tag on my blog, http://thelittlethingsthatmakemesmile.blogspot.com/
the devil makes cute clothes? who knew?!
I love Elisabeth! I didn't know she had a clothing line, I will have to look for it on QVC. I think the pink is great :)
Just wanted to let everyone know, I've started a new blog! Check it out and tell all your pals to head on over to www.sassypinkmonogram.blogspot.com
PINK for sure :) The tan is nice, but it might wash you out, while Pink is almost always perfect :)
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