Sunday, March 22, 2009

Note to self....

Have your boyfriend re-caulk your tub before you break up with him. I've learned this lesson the hard way this evening...

On three different occasions now, I have attempted to re-caulk my tub. I asked many people if I should just hire someone to do this and they all said no - it's so easy. Maybe it is for some people, but not this girl! As a result of my most recent attempt, my manicure is ruined and I may permanently have caulk in my hair. The worst part of all this? This project has kept me from a really fantastic (and when I say fantastic I of course mean terrible) Lifetime movie starring Tara Reid. Oh, the horror.

BTW - thanks to all of you who responded to my last post! What great comments!


Katy said...

I saw a horrible Tara Reid movie the other day on Sci Fi. Something about mutated Vipers. It was horrible.

If you go to Lowe's they will demonstrate ways for you to caulk without getting covered in it.

wosr333 said...

i just caulked the kids' tub. learned that PREP is EVERYTHING: buy the blue painter tape (at least 5/8" wide) and tape around the tub, top and bottom of where you want to put the caulk. Use a caulk gun and a plastic gloved finger to smooth it into the groove. The tape will accept excess and when it dries...give it a day, just peel off the tape and the caulk job is PERFECT! love to you-MY baby born on 3/25/09 too @ 10:24 pm-gorgeous!